Having a one time treatment is great as a boost, however, to have the most effective, cost saving treatments, it’s beneficial to sign up for IV Drips routinely to help get the essential nutrients and vitamins you need and to help restore your health and well-being. Frequent IV Drips may also help reduce risks of medical illnesses such as high blood pressure, memory loss, high cholesterol, etc depending on which IV Drips you receive.

If you sign up for at least 2 IVs a month, you will get a FREE Heart Health Screening included once a month. You have a private Heart Health Concierge Nurse that comes directly to you to get the Heart Health care that you need. Our goal is prevention of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and monthly screenings will help us get closer to achieving that goal.

Risk factors for hypertension are:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Obesity
  • Too much alcohol
  • Tobacco use
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Diabetes: most people whose have diabetes normally have hypertension as well
  • Stress: Stress isn’t always bad by itself. But too much stress may contribute to increased blood pressure. Also, too much stress can encourage behaviors that increase blood pressure, such as poor diet, physical inactivity, and using tobacco or drinking alcohol more than usual. 
  • Family history of high blood pressure
  • Increase in age; because your blood pressure tends to rise as you get older your risk for high blood pressure increases with age. About nine out of 10 Americans will develop high blood pressure during their lifetime

Risk factors for atrial fibrillation are:

  • Advanced age
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • European
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Ischemic heart disease or Coronary artery disease
  • Hyper thyroidism
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Moderate to heavy alcohol use
  • Smoking
  • Lung disease
  • Valvular heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Enlargement of the chambers on the left side of the heart (or CHF)
  • Family history of AFib

Atrial fibrillation, often called Afib or AF, is the most common type of treated heart arrhythmia. An arrhythmia is when the heart beats too slowly, too fast, or in an ir regular way.

When a person has Afib, the normal beating in the upper chambers of the heart (the two atria) as a regular, and blood doesn’t flow as well as it should from the atria to the lower chambers of the heart (the two ventricles). Afib may happen in brief episodes, or it may be a permanent condition. Click here for more info


  • In most cases, high blood pressure does not cause headaches or nosebleeds. In some instances they do, but otherwise, correlate with checking blood pressure to see if it’s high and if not then there may be some other health condition going on. 
  • Other inconclusive related symptoms:
  • Blood spots in eyes: an eye doctor can determine if the optic nerve has been damaged by untreated high blood pressure if you have this symptom. 
  • Facial flushing: it may occur in higher blood pressure but may occur in people without high blood pressure as well. 
  • Dizziness: it’s sometimes associated with high blood pressure
  • High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke. 

Atrial fibrillation 

  • General fatigue
  • Rapid/irregular heartbeat 
  • Fluttering or “thumping” in the chest (heart palpitations)
  • Dizziness/lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath and anxiety 
  • Weakness
  • Faintness or confusion
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Chest pain or pressure. This is a medical emergency. You may be having a heart attack. Call 911 immediately if you have one of these feeling!

High blood glucose from diabetes can damage your blood vessels and the nerves that control your heart and blood vessels. Overtime, this damage can lead to heart disease.

People with diabetes tend to develop heart disease at a younger age than people without diabetes. Adults with diabetes are nearly twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke as adults without diabetes.

The good news is that the steps you take to manage your diabetes also help lower your chances of having heart disease or stroke.

An A1C test shows your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months. This is different from the blood glucose checks you do every day [if you are a diabetic]. The higher your A1C number, the higher your blood glucose levels have been during the past three months. High levels of blood glucose can harm your heart, blood vessels, kidneys, feet, and eyes.

The A1c goal for many people with diabetes is below 7%, but your A1C should be more closely monitored when it is 5.5 to 7% as that is around the range when patient's are diagnosed with pre-diabetes. Your A1C goals may also change as you get older and your lifestyle changes. And your health care team what your goal should be if you’re following a physician. 

If you are not following a physician, we will discuss during your screening if following one is recommended.

“Of the 75 million Americans who have hypertension, almost half do not have the condition under control. About 11 million of them don’t know their blood pressure is too high and are not receiving treatment to control it, even though most of these individuals have health insurance and visit a healthcare provider each year.”

If you are already having your blood pressure measured remotely from your physician/cardiologist, then at that point, they’ll be able to see if you’re blood pressure is more uncontrolled and the blood pressure checking isn’t necessary on our end. However, getting an EKG more frequently would greatly increase your chances of detecting Afib if there’s a chance you have it. 

For those that have been already been diagnosed with diabetes and are currently being treated for it with medications, this screening will just be an added bonus in between doctors visits to make sure your blood sugars are staying controlled and your medications are working as they should be if following a healthy diet and exercising. 

  • “High blood pressure may be linked to dementia. Evidence suggests that having uncontrolled high blood pressure during midlife (ages 44 to 66) creates a higher risk for dementia later in life.”
  • “Young people can have high blood pressure, too. Nearly 1 in 4 adults aged 20 to 44 have high blood pressure.”
  • Woman and African-Americans face unique risks when it comes to high blood pressure: some types of birth control can also raise a woman’s risk for high blood pressure, women with high blood pressure who become pregnant are more likely to have complications during pregnancy than those with normal blood pressure
  • African-American men and women have higher rates of high blood pressure than any other racial or ethnic group. These individuals are also more likely to be hospitalized for high blood pressure.


By living a healthy lifestyle:

  • Eating ahealthy diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight 
  • Getting enough physical activity
  • Not smoking
  • Limiting alcohol use

The screening should not replace your own annual wellness checkups with your primary care physician, cardiologist or other physicians as well. This service is beneficial because a Registered Nurse comes directly to you in the comfort of your own home at your scheduled appointment time where there is no waiting days or weeks to see the doctor or waiting in the waiting room for however long when you get there.

In addition, blood pressures may be higher when checked in doctors offices (white coat syndrome) or could be normal in the doctor's office as well when it's higher at home. Therefore, these screenings give us a chance to get a more accurate reading by getting a more accurate average blood pressure in the comfort of your home while getting checked for atrial fibrillation, diabetes and getting an IV Drip to help keep your health more controlled. 

We 100% recommend continuing being managed and following up with your primary care physician, cardiologists or any other specialists and keep those appointments. 

We are an added bonus service for those that aren’t feeling well, that aren’t able to be seen by a physician right away, and who are not having a medical emergency. 

Doctors offices typically check EKGs every 6-12 months, therefore, making it more difficult to catch atrial fibrillation if there’s a chance you have it and have no symptoms. This makes it 5-10x more likely to catch it compared to if you weren’t getting a screening with us. 

Numerous blood pressure guidelines endorse measuring your blood pressure outside of medical offices, usually at home. Experts say the method can prevent “white coat hypertension.” meaning you have higher blood pressure only at the doctors office, or “masked hypertension,” where your pressure gives a false normal reading at the office.

Our services are to make sure your blood pressures are accurate at home and we help assist in calculating your average blood pressure every month while providing our professional medical advice and recommendations. (If you’re signed up with Remote BP Monitoring with your physician then please continue as recommended by your physician). 

Unfortunately, we don’t accept medical insurance for our IV Drips and Heart Health Screenings. However, if there is a concern that comes up during the Heart Health Screening, our Nurse Pracitioner may be able to provide a Telehealth visit covered under your insurance depending on your insurance and what coverages it provides. At that point, we would need to check with your insurance and depending on the results of your Health Health Screening will determine if they will cover it or not. 

Typically, medical insurances do provide one free generalized health screening per year directly in your home with a physician or nurse practitioner, however, they perform more generalized exams/screenings (i.e. Colorectal, cancer screening, diabetic retinal exam, bone density screening, and A1c test).  

We recommend that you check up with you physician at least one a year for your follow-up visits, however, we provide you more peace of mind for the rest of the year you're not being seen by your doctor.

Our focus and main goal is to provide the heart health screenings, however, in regards to other medical questions that may not be related to heart health, stroke, diabetes, etc. we may be able to assist you within our scope of practice to help answer and give our recommendation on any other questions you may have. (we recommend following up with any of those questions with your own Primary Care Physician as well).

We can assess a wound while we are doing our screening physical assessment, but our services don’t include wound care. We won’t have the supplies or medications needed during our visit for that service. After the assessment, we can provide our recommendation as far as treatment and/or if it needs to be seen by your physician and/or if it needs immediate urgent medical attention at an urgent care or emergency room.

In order to get a complete idea of who our client is and to give our best and full recommendations, we require an initial Heart Health Screening and cannot just provide EKGs without that being done.

Our services are provided for those that haven’t been diagnosed with Afib and may not be aware that they have it, so they aren’t consistently checking on their Apple Watch compared to those that have a history of it and checking it constantly.

According to American Heart Association, an Apple Watch research in February 2020 showed accuracy at 41% (the other 59% wasn’t alerted when they had Afib) and no false positives. In Apples own study of 588 subjects, the unreadable (i.e. inconclusive) rate reported in that study was 6% compared with 31% in this pilot study. Due to the variations, further validation is needed before it can be adopted by public for Afib detection

As described above, there are many that may have atrial fibrillation and not realize they have it. In addition, you could be having paroxysmal Afib where it goes in and out of Afib and you may not be having an episode of Afib during your screening. In that case, it’s beneficial that you’re getting an EKG every month with your membership to have a higher chance of catching it if you have it. If we have caught it at some point, or if you’ve already been diagnosed with Afib, it can still benefit from checking an EKG each time to check for higher abnormal heart rates as well. Remember, the goal is to catch Afib and if we end up catching it or you’ve already been told you have it, that’s one step closer to getting treatment for it and preventing you from getting a possible stroke from it. 

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The IV and medical weight loss services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program. Any designations or references to therapies are for marketing purposes only.